

Fast delivery, large stainless steel and nickel alloys stock. Custom cut pieces, forgin, plates, bars,tubes. Also complete projects.

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JACQUET stores the steel you need

Worldwide delivery in 7 days


JACQUET proposes cut pieces and plates in about 40 grades ranging from 0.5 to 150mm


JACQUET proposes plates thicknesses ranging from 0.3 to 75mm, cut pieces and round bars in about 20 grades

Cut plates

Our cutting capacities (plasma, laser, water jet and sawing) allow high quality finishing touch, tight tolerances and a reliable and fast delivery



From our service centers within the group we can offer plates and decoil work with short delivery times.

Other services

JACQUET proposes a wide range of additional services : polishing, bending, rolling and testing

JACQUET Nederland

From our service center in Drachten we can offer you the complete package of cut products in stainless steel, nickel alloys and titanium. Just-in-time.


JACQUET Netherlands is part of the JACQUET METALS Group, the global market leader in the consumption of stainless steel plates. With a consumption of thousands of tons of nickel alloys, decoiled plates and QUARTO plates on an annual basis, we benefit from a unique purchasing potential. JACQUET Netherlands is therefore a specialist in stainless steel, nickel alloys, titanium, duplex and heat-resistant material. The sales office is located in Purmerend and the production company in Drachten.

From Drachten we supply high-alloyed custom work. With the help of our modern machinery, consisting of laser, plasma and waterjet cutting machines, which are completed by a bending machine, a roller, deburring machine and a tapping device, we are able to produce plates very quickly, efficiently and in high quality. until 150mm thick can be cut for you in any desired shape and possibly edged or rolled.

In addition to sheet metal and cutting work, the available expertise, stocks and agencies within the JACQUET METALS Group offer the opportunity to present ourselves as a complete supplier of the entire product range in stainless steel, nickel alloys and titanium. You can also contact us for forging, bar and tube products. With one phone call or email you will receive an offer for the entire package of high-alloyed semi-finished products as quickly as possible.

The combination of the modern machinery, the good organization, our own fleet and optimally motivated people ensure that we can deliver your orders throughout the country on a daily basis. All our materials are available with a certificate and, if desired, the cut parts can be remarked. In consultation with our sales team, your rush job may be completed the same day.

More information

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We work under the most recent quality and ISO guidelines.


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